30 px

30 px

What is a Postage Meter?

5 px
Early model postage meter

30 px

20 px
Federal government views postage as US currency

30 px

Why does my business need one?

5 px

30 px

20 px

20 px

20 px

20 px

20 px

20 px

20 px

30 px

30 px

Anatomy of a Postage Meter

5 px

20 px
Anatomy of a Postage Meter

20 px

Features of a Postage Meter

10 px

Envelope Feeding Type

5 px

30 px
Manual Feeding

20 px

20 px
Semi-Automatic Feeding

20 px

20 px
Automatic Feeding

20 px

25 px

Moistening and Sealing

5 px

30 px

Processing Speed

5 px

20 px

Postage Meter Productivity Factors

5 px

30 px


5 px

20 px
PostBase integrated scale

20 px
PostBase mini weighing parcel with integrated scale

20 px

Differential Weighing

5 px

20 px

Dynamic Weighing

5 px

30 px

Cost Accounts

5 px

20 px
Cost Accounts

20 px


5 px

30 px


5 px

20 px
PostBase Vision Color Options

30 px

PostBase Advertisements

5 px

15 px
Stock PostBase ads

20 px

40 px

Request a quote now

Submit a request for more information and we will contact you shortly

20 px

20 px

30 px

60 px

Published at: 08/12/2019

Amanda Fletcher

Amanda Fletcher is the Director of Marketing at FP Mailing Solutions. She has been in the mailing industry with FP since 2013. She is passionate about good pizza, running and quality family time.

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