30 px

30 px

If you ship small but dense packages, USPS® Priority Cubic is the best rate

5 px

30 px

Small volume shippers can get access even if they don’t ship 50,000 packages per year

5 px

20 px
Digital Solutions

FP Parcel Shipping

30 px

How to calculate your parcel for cubic pricing

5 px

30 px

Examples of USPS® Priority Cubic packages

5 px

30 px

FP Parcel Shipping Priority Mail Cubic Rates

10 px

Cubic Ft. Range (up to)







Zone 1






Zone 2






Zone 3






Zone 4






Zone 5






Zone 6






Zone 7






Zone 8






Zone 9






Cubic Ft. Range (up to)


Zone 1


Zone 2


Zone 3


Zone 4


Zone 5


Zone 6


Zone 7


Zone 8


Zone 9



Zone 1


Zone 2


Zone 3


Zone 4


Zone 5


Zone 6


Zone 7


Zone 8


Zone 9



Zone 1


Zone 2


Zone 3


Zone 4


Zone 5


Zone 6


Zone 7


Zone 8


Zone 9



Zone 1


Zone 2


Zone 3


Zone 4


Zone 5


Zone 6


Zone 7


Zone 8


Zone 9



Zone 1


Zone 2


Zone 3


Zone 4


Zone 5


Zone 6


Zone 7


Zone 8


Zone 9


20 px

10 px

10 px

Learn more about FP Parcel Shipping Online

20 px

20 px

60 px

Published at: 05/16/2023

Lucas Bingham

Lucas Bingham is the Product and Business Development Specialist at FP Mailing Solutions.  He has been with FP since 2017 and spends the bulk of his time working on FP’s digital solutions.  When not at work Lucas enjoys being outside and spending time with his wife and two puppies, Clark and Nova.

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USPS Rate Change Effective July 14th, 2024

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USPS Proposes Price Changes for July 2024

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USPS Rate Change Effective January 21st, 2024

On January 21st, 2024, the USPS® will be adjusting rates for both Market Dominant and Competitive products. Below is a summary of some of the...

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