Tax exempt organizations who are FP customers can provide proof of status to enable FP supplies purchases with zero tax.
New customers can indicate their tax-exempt status in the initial paperwork with FP Mailing. In that case, a new customer will supply a copy of their Tax Exempt Certificate to FP.
Existing tax-exempt customers may send their Tax Exempt Certificates to FP after becoming a customer by sending a copy of their certificate to FP Credit Department by one of the methods below.
Methods for Sending Tax Exempt Certificate to FP
Include a copy of your certificate plus the following information:
Your Name
Your Phone Number
Your FP Customer ID Number
Company/Organization Name
Company/Organization Full Mailing Address
Send to the following address:
Credit Department
FP Mailing Solutions
140 N. Mitchell Ct., Suite 200
Addison, IL 60101
Fax to 630-225-5245
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